Una Famiglia nel Su Misura, dal 1947

Il brand Antonella Rossi nasce ad Empoli, alle porte di Firenze, nel 1947 dall’incontro d’amore tra Dino Rossi e Anna Fabiani. Quest’ultima aveva già iniziato, con le due sorelle, il mestiere di modellista e ricamatrice e con il marito decide di aprire un Atelier iniziando a realizzare abiti da donna e uomo interamente Su Misura.

Antonella, una dei tre figli della coppia, prende le redini dell’attività facendole fare il salto più bello: l’apertura del proprio Atelier nella città eterna, Roma. Quest’ultima ha dato al brand l’opportunità di affermarsi a livello internazionale e confrontarsi con grandi nomi della Couture Italiana.

A Family in the Made to Measure, since 1947

The Antonella Rossi brand was born in Empoli, near Florence, in 1947 from the love meeting between Dino Rossi and Anna Fabiani. The latter had already started, with her two sisters, the profession of patternmaker and embroiderer, and with her husband decided to open an Atelier, beginning to make women’s and men’s clothing entirely Made to Measure.

Antonella, one of the couple’s three children, took the reins of the business, making her take the greatest leap: the opening of her own Atelier in the eternal city, Rome. The latter gave the brand the opportunity to establish itself internationally and compare itself with big names in Italian Couture.

Many things over the years have changed but not the quality of each garment. The special Antonella Rossi team is composed of patternmakers, tailors and embroiderers of magnificent ability, professionals able to transform the sketch into a unique and excellent creation.

In 2012, Giulia, Antonella’s third daughter, joined the business, following her graduation from Polimoda in Florence, an experience in the world of lingerie and an internship in New York. This city gives her the inspiration to create a new Bridal collection, the Limited Edition, which has an unconventional, stylish and romantic twist. In 2016, she founded with her sister Anna, at the helm of the accessories division, the prêt à couture brand Annagiulia, to meet the demands of event and wedding guests looking for sartorial garments with a fresh touch that combines research and innovation from the contemporary world with traditional tailoring.

Both brands are sustainable and responsible in that every fabric, lace or embroidery is sourced from suppliers with controlled supply chains, each garment is made to order only, each lace is hand-dyed according to the customer’s request, and every scrap of fabric is used to create whimsical accessories. Each customer is also given the opportunity to remodel their dress so it can be worn again and again.

Antonella Rossi riceve su appuntamento nel proprio Atelier in Via Giulia 108/109 a Roma, nel quale presenta le Collezioni Sposa, Sposo e Prêt à couture che saranno realizzate interamente su misura.

Se il cliente non vive in Italia, il team Antonella Rossi si mette a disposizione tramite Zoom, Facetime e WhatsApp per dei tour all’interno dell’Atelier e consulenze mirate mandando a domicilio le proprie cartelle colori e guidandolo nella presa misure, in modo da poter condividere questa esperienza con familiari ed amici.

Per organizzare il tuo personale appuntamento:

Antonella +39 392 3573660

Giulia +39 329 3210570


Antonella Rossi receives by appointment in the Atelier at Via Giulia 108/109 in Rome, in which they present the Bridal, Groom and Prêt à couture collections that will be made entirely to measure.

If the client does not live in Italy, the Antonella Rossi team makes itself available via Zoom, Facetime and WhatsApp for tours inside the Atelier and targeted consultations by sending home their color charts and guiding them in taking measurements, so they can share this experience with family and friends.

To arrange your personal appointment:

Antonella +39 392 3573660

Giulia +39 329 3210570


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